Výstavisko Agrokomplex / Stánok Apex & CYMORKA interior design

BORA Cooking Experience

Zažite BORA a jej výhody naživo vo svojej blízkosti. Čaká na Vás zážitok z výrobku v malom kruhu s jednoduchým konceptom úspechu: U nášho partnera BORA sa priamo pred Vašimi očami pripraví menu na systémoch BORA. V priebehu prípravy menu môžete klásť akékoľvek svoje otázky. Úplne jednoducho sa prihláste na BORA 5|5 Live Cooking a nechajte sa očariť.


Info at a glance


09:00 h - 18:00 h

To registration

BORA Cooking Experience Registration

Please register now for the BORA Cooking Experience. You will receive directly a confirmation for your registration. Your datas will be used exclusively for the event organisation regarding the event you choose and the belonging feedback. Therefore it´s necessary to forward the below datas to our BORA partner. Our partner could inform you about necessary informations concerning the BORA Cooking Experience, for example costs, safety meassures or organisational matters. After the feedback request to the BORA Cooking Experience, we delete your datas.

Please note: fields indicated with an * are mandatory.