Sweet & spicy rosemary and lime biscuits
Leave the butter to soften. Wash the lime in hot water and dry it. Finely grate the zest. Add the rosemary and lime zest to the butter, mix well and leave to infuse slightly. Mix together the raw cane sugar, wholemeal flour, egg yolk, vanilla seeds and a pinch of salt. Add the butter and knead together to form a smooth dough. Refrigerate the dough for around 2 hours.
Remove the dough from the fridge and roll it out thinly. Cut out the biscuits using the biscuit cutter of your choice. Put the biscuits on the X BO universal tray, then bake them in the BORA X BO (170°C/20% humidity) for 6 to 10 minutes. Once baked, leave the biscuits to cool down slightly then sprinkle them with icing sugar. Alternatively, fill the biscuits with lemon cream or lemon marmalade.
TIP: you can bake three trays of biscuits at once in the BORA X BO. The results will be consistent on all three levels. The more biscuits you have on one tray and the more trays you have in the oven, the longer the baking time will be.
Prep. time: 30 min.
Baking time: approx. 10 min.
Resting time: approx. 2 hrs
- 200 g butter
- 2 tsp rosemary (dried and chopped)
- 1 organic lime
- 100 g raw cane sugar
- 300 g wholemeal flour
- 1 egg yolk (size M)
- Seeds of ½ vanilla pod