Pink rabbit loin with beetroot and chestnuts

Pink rabbit loin with beetroot and chestnuts


Clean the rabbit loin and vacuum-cook with the herbs, garlic and oil for 6 minutes at 65°C before browning in a pan for a further 4 minutes. Cut the beetroot into very thin slices and marinate in the oil, salt and mature red wine vinegar for 3 minutes. Slice the rabbit loin and serve with the beetroot and steamed chestnuts.

  • 1
  • 2

Serves 4:

  • 300 g rabbit loin
  • 40 g extra virgin olive oil
  • Herbs
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 1 shallot
  • 150 g beetroot
  • Mature red wine vinegar
  • 60 g steamed chestnuts
  • Maldon salt

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